Course: Mountain & Surivivng

$ 1950

Lear all the rappel technics to make this activity more safe. Lear the correct use of gear and knots. Our Instructors will give all theory and practice for each section.

- Canyoning basic concepts
- Real Rappel risks
- Gear and proper use
- Important knots
- Handling ropes
- Vertical progression in a canyon
- Rappelling mechanics 
- Belaying the rappel

- Mountain Survival

Course includes lodging and food for two days

Service Information


  • QUOTE: $1950
  • Zone: Potrero Redondo Santiago, Nuevo Leon, MEXICO
  • Age: 10
  • Time to finish: 8 hr
  • Activities Period: 2 days
  • Nights: 1
  • Distance: 5 kms
  • Course Syllabus

  • Rappels: 1
  • Survival theory and practice
  • Climbing
  • Downclimbing
  • Caving
  • What Other Canyoneers Experienced

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